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Space Y appoints two new Vice-Chairmen

Space Y is pleased to announce the appointment of two new vice-chairmen, Mr Xavier Bertrán and Mr Celestino Gómez.

As Chief Product and Innovation Officer at SES, Mr Bertrán has an extensive experience in the global aerospace, defence and public security markets, having led several strategic projects in the sector at both European and international levels. He has also been a board member of several companies, including Airbus Interior Services S.A.S, ATR GIE, KID Systeme GmbH, and Skytra Ltd.

Mr Gómez is the Director of the GMV office in Brussels. He has served in the company for more than 20 years and has a broad knowledge of business development, sales and B2B markets in the space domain. He has an in-depth knowledge of the European space downstream ecosystem and also integrates the Board of Directors of EARSC, the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies.

The appointment of the two new Space Y vice-chairmen was decided during the association’s Board of Directors and General Assembly held on the 26th of June 2024 and responds to the common desire of the members to strengthen Space Y’s position as the organisation voicing the needs of the European space downstream industry. With their extensive knowledge of the GNSS, EO and SatCom markets, Mr Bertrán and Mr Gómez will provide the association with valuable inputs to steer its strategic objectives and expand its reach.

The newly-appointed vice-chairmen join an established team of well-recognised leaders in the European space downstream industry. They will infuse additional competencies and forces into the association, and provide novel perspectives to contribute reaching Space Y’s overall goal of ensuring that investments made in the space upstream sector benefit the European economy and society downstream.

The expansion of Space Y’s Officers happens in a pivotal moment for Europe’s history, in which the European downstream space industry is called to join forces to ensure that the needs of the sector are duly taken into account by European and national decision-makers when shaping the strategic orientations for the next Multi-annual Financial Framework of the EU.

Space Y intends to play a central role in leading their endeavours, federating the knowledge, needs and views of the industry and conveying them to decision-makers to make them aware of the importance of supporting the European space downstream industry. Such dialogue is of utmost importance to enhance the uptake of the data and services delivered by the EU Space Programme, to boost the competitiveness of the European downstream industry, and to ensure the security and autonomy of the whole European space value chain in the years to come.