- Category: Library
- 2011-12-08
The new service of Galileo will pave the way towards robust PVT for the Galileo Open Service users. An OSNMA Public Observation Test Phase will follow the publication of the Info Note.
To contribute to the detection of GNSS attacks, EUSPA together with the European Commission is currently testing the Galileo Open Service – Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA). This forthcoming service is an authentication mechanism that allows Open Service users to verify the authenticity of GNSS information, making sure that the data they receive is indeed from Galileo and has not been modified in any way.
OSNMA is authenticating data for geolocation information from the Open Service through the Navigation Message (I/NAV) broadcast on the E1-B signal component. This is realised by transmitting authentication-specific data in previously reserved fields of the E1 I/NAV message. By using these previously reserved fields, OSNMA does not introduce any overlay to the system, thus the OS navigation performance remains untouched.
Analytical information can be found in the Info Note that was recently published.
You can download it here or visit the European GNSS Service Centre.