- Category: Library
- 2022-01-20
The Galileo Open Service Definition Document (OS SDD) was updated on November 2021 to reflect upgrades in the Galileo system since the publication of the previous version in May 2019. The latest version – 1.2 – can be found on the GSC web portal on this link.
The SDD has been updated to include improvements of the Open Service, accounting for the current constellation and updates in the ground infrastructure that increase its robustness. This is the last update foreseen before Galileo Open Service reaches Full Operational Capability (FOC).
The updated SDD provides better Minimum Performance Levels (MPLs) for signal and position availability, updated definitions of some timing MPLs, and establishes a more stringent commitment on the time to publish Notice Advisories to Galileo Users (NAGUs). In addition, the concept of auxiliary satellites has been added, while some sections have been reworded to improve clarity.